FAQ for EPSON Printer

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Q: I have an EPSON Stylus color 400 printer attached by the print server and a Windows 95 workstation with TCP/IP. I print a job from Windows 95, but the print job is not sent to the spooler, the job is sent to the Desktop instead.

Q: When I print to an Epson Stylus printer, the Epson Spool Manager may stop responding (hang), or I may receive the following error message: Error: Printer Not Responding. How to solve this problem? (Note: this question and solution are come from Microsoft originally.)

A: This behavior can occur if you are using Epson's Stylus driver version 2.02E. In some configurations (especially over a network), the Epson spooler may not be able to communicate with the printer port. To solve this problem, configure the Epson Spool Manager to use Windows Print Manager to spool print jobs instead of using the Epson's internal spooler.

Users launch the Epson printer software.  Go to Spool Manager, click on the Queue and select Setup.  Make sure the check box of "Use Print Manager for this port" is checked.

For information about configuring the Epson Spool Manager, please contact Epson.

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